A brand new game by LucasArts with the Euphoria Physics Engine. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed tells the story of Darth Vader's secret apprentice as he hunts down the Jedi remaining after Emperor Palpatine orders them killed. Set in the dark times between Episode III and Episode IV, the story explores the aftermath of the Great Jedi Purge as well as the rise of Darth Vader, leading into the Original Trilogy.


This is edited save file wich will allow you to play as Darth Vader in main story mode in Star Wars The Force Unleashed on PC!

SWTFU play as Darth Vader
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LucianoStarKiller - - 2,399 comments

Interesting, might give it a try.

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

You should try. It's interesting to play as Darth Vader, despite few bugs and problems in gameplay.

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ccabello - - 2 comments

Please check your messages for some cool ideas! Tysm

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

YES! I was just thinking today I wanted Force Unleashed but just Vader the whole time.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

Any way to get this or covert this for ps3 cfw?

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

I have no idea. This is just a endited save file, so maybe you can put it in there.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

how do I activate

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

Read description!

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

Pls fix jump 3/4 levels I cant fully play because darth vader doesn't jump long enough not even with that double jump.

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

You can do high jump. But you have to press jump and then jump again fast, and hold it, so that he jumps higher.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

can you make it to where he can use force choke?

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

Well, technically, he can use it, but it is broken and animation of him doing it doesn't play.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

Can you switch between playing as Starkiller or do I need to uninstall the mod to play as Starkiller again? And can I change Lighstaber color?

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DeathCold Author
DeathCold - - 328 comments

You can switch to Starkiller, but after that you will not be able to switch back to Darth Vader, and you have to uninstall and install mod again, to play as him. And, i don't remember about lightsaber, but i think that you can change it's color.

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