Aspiring game developer, designer, dreamer. Multi-talented guy who currently creates projects as a Solo dev. I also compete in Strongman, and train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I'd love to somehow incorporate those things in a game in the future!

Report RSS Devlog Sept 10th, 2024

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I've been a bit delayed on posting a new devlog because ultimately, not much here has changed. One thing that has changed though is: in my FPS, I've decided to scrap the "Wave" style maps, and convert them into "Spec Ops Missions" instead. I'm currently just continuing to add to environments in my FPS, adding in various missions and tasks, and I have the basic missions and game manager setup in one of the Spec Ops missions maps. I chose to do this because, for one, ultimately it was an easier task to accomplish. And, I want this game to bring back the core heart of gaming. And for me, one of those things was old school Call of Duty. Even in the newer CoD's, such as Modern Warfare 2019, I loved the Spec Ops missions, and I chose to do that with this game. As of now one map is almost completed, Then, I need to continue to work on the other two. I want at least two for a game demo that I'd like to publish by the end of the month. The missions in the demo, in comparison to the released game will be a bit shorter. My ballpark for these spec ops missions is to have them take approximately 20 minutes each. The reason for this is because I want it to be available for the person who only has one hour to play, or an entire day to play.

Another thing that has "changed" is that I've decided to return to college, use the rest of my GI Bill and get my bachelors degree. I figured why not just do it while I'm ahead and get the bachelors. While it's not necessarily needed, especially since I've gotten my foot in the door to do some work with an Indie Studio, I've realized that it will really open the doors of possibilities for me: higher pay, developing more of an expertise in my field, potential to be an educator in the future, and much more.

Really though, other than those two changes, I'm mostly just conducting business as usual. I also am planning on joining a group of students who I got my associates degree with in creating a project as well, and I'm looking forward to that.

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