I am the founder of DBolical and creator of ModDB, IndieDB and SlideDB. My aim is to make it easier for gamers to find great games/mods no matter their stage of development. And more importantly give game/mod developers a place to share their work and grow their fanbase - without being dependent on press/editors gatekeeping the important news sites. If you have any ideas or suggestions, hit me up I am always available to talk with the community.

Report RSS Meeting modders at GDC

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Every year I make it a point to fly from Australia to San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference. It's an awesome experience and one I highly recommend all developers try and do, should you have the means. But it can also be rather overwhelming at times, surrounded by talented and successful developers everywhere. This years conference was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I'm busy working on various ideas and decided to pitch them at GDC. The pitches went well, and I look forward to sharing them with the community in a few months as they get closer to release.

Meeting modders at GDC

(i'm in the middle, Fandore on the left and GeneralJist on the right)

But amongst all of the chaos, I wanted to highlight meeting two modders that brought a massive smile to my face and really made the week worthwhile. Amongst all of the chaos, business deals and competition, I met the creators of a much loved C&C mod Tiberium Secrets Matthew and Eric (GeneralJist and Fandore). Together they reminded me why I started ModDB 15 years ago, and why I continue to work so damn hard on this site and community. While everyone else was at GDC trying to make money and do whatever it takes to succeed, these modders were there purely to learn and for the love of the game. I tip my hat off to you both, your dedication to your craft and many others like you has pushed our industry so far forward, and I look forward to many more years of following your work on the site. Thanks for making my week.

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AFV4 - - 2,204 comments

Nice read :)

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ReezeTheVampire - - 3,944 comments

Man, I'd love to go to GDC. Meeting you would be a real treat, too. The ModDB community has been a big part of my life for nearly a decade now, and I would very much like to pay my respects. Keep working hard on ModDB, we all appreciate it.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

Great to have you here, its awesome having community members like you onboard for the ride.

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GeneralJist - - 474 comments

Dam, that was intense! XD...

Wow, had no idea we made such a big impression on you, I'm glad we helped in our little way in keeping the flame alive.

Aww Shucks.....
This post made my month!

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deleted10101 - - 7,257 comments

I need to make this trip myself if i make it as developer , for sure

Awesome trip and swell location for it too , San Francisco is worth visiting for the name itself even
Would definitely book a week there to spend some time in the city too along with the meetings here

It's interesting that modders meet up in such places as well and not just triple AAA developers that one would expect would be exclusive to these meetings , like i thought myself and this has to be different than E 3 i am guessing

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

Congrats on launching Tiberium Secrets!!!

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