The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.


A mod-friendly universal gore mod for Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Hacx, FreeDoom, Chex Quest and anything else you can run on Zandronum/GZDoom.

Bolognese Gore Mod v3.0
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 126)
Autoclave - - 43 comments

This is a really cool concept.

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Turco_ - - 231 comments


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eviltechno - - 502 comments

The only difference i see in v2.0 versus Bolognese v1.0 is now some strange red cloud is coming out of enemies. Looks like not rendered properly. Like on low grapics mode or something. Is that intentionally?

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

That's called blood mist lol

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Ok, let's call it blood mist.
It's much different to BD21 and Bolognese 1.0 To me it looks too much repetitive.

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

How can something look different and repetitive? I don't quite understand.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

I mean it looks different compared to BD21 and the other bolognese version. Bolognese 1.0 looked almost as good as BD21. The new blood mist now looks too much obvious and less random. And things looking a bit random (aka. not always look the same despite using the same sprites all over again) was what made BD21 blood effects so good for me.

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Alchee66 - - 152 comments

its an eyesore you mean?

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Twitch/MojoRising - - 67 comments


ME NO UNDERSTAND?! YOU MEAN Different from 1.0, and repetitive in general?


Brony Power o/

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

Lmao wtf?

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Guest - - 706,821 comments

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RFERRUGEM - - 64 comments

Clouds are red
Mists are of blood
Demons are coming
Apocalypse Now

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

I see that you're not a guest anymore. Welcome to ModDB! :3

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RFERRUGEM - - 64 comments

I've been here since cars were called automobiles! I just forgot to login... Thank you for the hospitality LOL!

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

LMAO you're welcome x3

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Linus.Hyper - - 132 comments


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Guest - - 706,821 comments

Archviles still revive invisible gibbed Chaingunners, easily testable on Plutonia Map01.

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rileymartin - - 9 comments

Yeah, can confirm and this is a rather major issue. Happens anywhere where Viles and gibbed Chaingunners are involved.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Happens with all enemies. Don't know why you guys only mention chaingunners.

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7HEPOW - - 5 comments

Yupp! Have made another comment before regarding Abysm, but encountered it with DoomRPG SE aswell. Just made a quick test on /idgames 102.WAD with Bolo 2.0 only and can confirm any monster type will respawn invisible. :)

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ThatRandomUser - - 26 comments

because its the most egregious and annoying with chaingunners because chaingunners can burn in hell

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Louco-Diamante - - 110 comments

Mancubus sprite doesnt vanish after its gib explosion

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

I noticed this a few times as well, but i thought it's because the map packs/gameplay mods i was using (non default monsters)
Turns out it's always like that unless you are playing singleplayer/offline. I reported this in mark's bug forum.

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dmarti880 - - 1 comments

Yeah, Im not really into how that blood mist looks.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Finally. I thought it's only me. One thing i noticed and might be the real issue here, that the mist effect does not vanish as quick as in BD21 or bolognese 1.0. It's not synchronized with the other effects, if that makes any sense. It should vanish much quicker so it's not as obvious.

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themarine141 - - 119 comments

Please remove the blood mist. It takes away the "realism" or put an option that would turn it off

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SoundOfDarkness - - 35 comments

Unfortunately it doesn't work with Zio McCall's Brutal Wolfenstein. It can be loaded together with BW but even if it's loaded after BW the mod still uses BW blood effects and decals. Changing the blood amount doesn't do anything either.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Can confirm. Other mod where it doesn't work is Alien trilogy.

Though, shooting dead bodies in Brutal wolfenstein make them bleed with bolognese blood.

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themarine141 - - 119 comments

Ey. Why do you need red blood for a xenomorph? It has its own blood sprite. Which is already good for the mod itself

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Obviously i want green blood. If bolognese worked people could make a color addon.
but yea, there's nothing wrong with that mod. Just that the gore of "Aliens the ultimate doom" is a bit more entertaining. That mod's gore is based on BD 20, if i got it right.

No big deal. Just tested some mods i liked, to see if bolognese works with them.

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Guest - - 706,821 comments

Cacodemons, Hell Knights, and Barons still have red blood. Will there be any addition of blue and green blood?

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Panzermann11 - - 209 comments

It does now!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,821 comments

Script error, "sm4BBgorev2.pk3:cvarinfo" line 1:
cvar 'bd_bloodamount' already exists

It either references the sm4BBgorev2.pk3 or the brutal doom bd21rc3.pk3 depending on what I load last. Any ideas how to get rid of that? :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
eviltechno - - 502 comments

Author: "You can even remove the CVARs and load it with Brutal Doom to get Brutal Brutal Doom."

Open bolognese with winrar and delete the cvarinfo file. Or better open that file with notepad++ and delete everything but "server int bd_mingibhealth = -20;" That way you can still use that option and not have all enemies gib all the time.

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Lampenpam - - 66 comments

why the **** would you load them together?

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Yea, i have no idea. Blood level 3 on BD is more than enough for me. Let alone setting 4 or 5 and especially running another blood mod on top of it.. To each his own i guess.

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sarge945 - - 141 comments

You're not supposed to use this with brutal doom. You use it instead of brutal doom for when you only want the blood and not the gameplay/weapon changes

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Now the kids want "Brutal Brutal Doom". Thanks to Mark's description.

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sarge945 - - 141 comments

Yes, but the description also says that to get this working with Brutal Doom requires editing it.

If you want to run this will brutal Doom you need to do the following:

1. Make a copy of the pk3 file. Call it Bolognese_brutal. Pk3 or something. Name doesn't matter.
2.You need to open the new archive, go into the cvarinfo file and remove any line where the command starts with bd_
3. Save it and update the archive.

Use that version with Brutal Doom and the original version with everything else.

If that doesn't make sense to you, then I'm afraid you can't run this with Brutal Doom, but it would be mostly pointless anyway since brutal Doom already does most of this.

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Guest - - 706,821 comments

how to load it please?? drag the files together with bd.pk3 and wad file to gzdoom.exe????

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bfg_900000 - - 2 comments

Your not supposed to run it with Brutal Doom unless you remove the CVARs, read above post on how to remove the CVARs

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Panzermann11 - - 209 comments

I only liked how the blood mist looked in the first version. The blood mist now looks too circle and simplistic, and accoding to eviltechno, the vanishing speed is inconsistent to other blood parts. Maybe optimazation, perhaps?

But hey, at least optional colored blood for cacodemons and hell knights/barons is a good addition to version 2.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Mark tried to fix the problem from v1.0 that often the view is blocked with blood on close-range combat, but at which costs? I'm pretty sure the blood mist was not the problem in 1.0, as it was fine in BD21 and didn't look much different in Bolognese 1.0 The blood effects are pretty much perfect in BD21 IMO. I don't know why he didn't just make it the same in bolognese. (even worse, on twitter he wrote that he is already converting bolognese 2.0 to BD 21...)

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Panzermann11 - - 209 comments

Maybe the blood mist was changed because of optimazation or gameplay or something IDK.

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sarge945 - - 141 comments

If the blood mist is created with sprites, you can probably copy over those files from version 1 if you know what you're doing

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

That's the first thing i did. That doesn't fix the mist being on screen for too long. Plus it doesn't work for the blood color addons. Still makes it ten times better compared to untouched 2.0 (+ the chaingunner is still invisible after getting revived by an archvile. Though that happens too rare to be a real issue. I'm sure mark will fix this in the next versions.)

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DawnHibiki - - 32 comments

I restored the Blood Mist from v1 to v2 by using Slade. In TomatoSauce.txt, I copied the actors SuperGore and SuperGoreMistTiny from v1, then I pasted them over the ones in v2. I also copied the BLER and BLOR sprites from v1. The Blood Mist looks alot better to me now, because I won't have to deal with the long, repetitive red clouds.

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eviltechno - - 502 comments

Thanks for sharing

That actually did the trick. Better than the lazy sprite paste edit i was using. Gj

When using the addon for the monsters with green blood the mist still looks a bit v2'ish.

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Guest - - 706,821 comments

whats the diffrence between v2 and v1?

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DawnHibiki - - 32 comments

The difference between them is that in v2, there's the annoying blood mist that comes out from bullet firings, and it takes away the 'realism' of gore. The blood mist in v1 was excellent, and it should've kept that way. I edited the v2 to restore the v1 Blood Mist.

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