The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.


This mod is a comprehensive compilation that builds upon an excellent foundation, incorporating a variety of enhancements and features. It includes a wider selection of weapons, balanced to suit the mod's gameplay, and updated mutators that introduce new items. I've added new enemies, weapons, armors, and voxels, as well as overhauled many sprites. Optional features include a carry weight system and a realistic reloading mechanic. The scope of this project has grown far beyond my initial expectations, so I'm excited to share it with you here. Enjoy!

Brutal Doom: Arthur's Edition Legacy
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 423)
OMXGAMERZ - - 281 comments

Why not a Nailgun weapons inc?
Rip my favorite weapons !!!
can't play

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

The nailgun aspect is now in the crossbow! So you will still have enemies stucked to the wall! haha
But yes, I switched the module to the tripleminigun! It has a whole new reload system that uses miniguns! I put a lot of effort into this weapon!
I made this choice because I felt the nailgun was a little overpowered, but it's still in spirit now in the crossbow!
I hope you reconsider and try to give the mod a chance, I did everything to put in as many weapons as possible and make the game as balanced as possible!

Reply Good karma+5 votes
MattMayhem - - 128 comments

I have a small favor to ask if you have the time, I could really use the help regarding a weapon addon I am working on for my custom mod. Message me back whenever you get the chance boss! Thank You.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

Of course, send me a message and I'll do my best to help you!

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MattMayhem - - 128 comments

It says you’ve set your account to private, I’m unable to message you. I will send you a request on discord.

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MattMayhem - - 128 comments

I sent you a request on Discord bro! Add me whenever you get this message and we can chat!

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

@MattMayhem can't wait to see your mod you are a good guy
hope you are doing good!

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

Are u gonna upfate yojr mod to brutal doom platimun 3.0 fixes and enchancents?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

This mod is practically its own thing, but yes, any improve that a can use from platinum its in this mod.

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

I have one Question how do you use Cyberdemons Weapon

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

Its an item, you need to select it and press the use item (enter) button. The manual has more information

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OMXGAMERZ - - 281 comments

Oh i see another problem
i won't play
Slot 1: Melee, Axe, Chainsaw
Slot 2: Bullets - Pistol, Smg, Mp40
Slot 3: Shells - Shotgun, SSG, Assault Shotgun
Slot 4: Rounds - Rifle, Minigun, Machinegun
Slot 5: Heavy Rounds - Buzzsaw, Sniper, Revolver
Slot 6: Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Grenade, Freezenade, Detonators
Slot 7: Cells - Plasma Rifle, Plasma Blaster, Railgun
Slot 8: Fuel - Flamethower, Flamecannon, Hellish Missile Launcher
Slot 9: BFG Cells - BFG9k, BFG10k, Nuke Launcher
Slot 0: Souls - Unmaker, Ancient Crossbow, Crucible
I would have liked too much that slot 5 should be 7
and the 6 to 5
7 to 6
I will have a little trouble sometimes with the reflex of switching to another weapon since I am used to having rocket in 5 and plasma in 6 since I play too much brutal doom/project brutality/classicdoom/dusted pandemonia and most are like that
that's what I'm used to

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OMXGAMERZ - - 281 comments

Oh now i can play
can i have your discord?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

of course! it's ArthoriusB#2593

Reply Good karma+3 votes
TonyH123 - - 97 comments

Two problems I noticed so far. I use the gearbox addon. Some weapons don't have an icon. The hud is way too big and doesn't scale down. Also, I liked the void grenades. Why did you get rid of them?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

I also use gearbox, but only for items. For weapons i use PyWeaponWheel. That's because the script that freeze time when you change the gun works much better in py than in gearbox and both addons work fine together!
About the void grenade, I turned them into a spell that you can cast, just like throwing a grenade, and the enemy super demon cast them too!

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TonyH123 - - 97 comments

How is it possible to carry items in Brutal Doom? Is there a mod for this? Your hud can't be resized. I used to use hxrtc hud with Dox previous version, but your version doesn't support it very well.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

The mod I used for base items is called MUTATORS from XV117, the last update is from 2018, so I don't know if it works with the latest version of brutal doom!
About the hud, I'm really sorry, I usually play the mod on my cell phone or my potato computer, and really no one has ever called my attention to this problem, and I don't even know how to fix it yet to be honest!
The hud is a very important part of my mod too, it shows all your ammo, selected grenades, selected spells and your current carry weight if you play with the weight option!
So playing with another hud is a little risky!
But if someone can help me with this I would be very happy!
Would it be possible for you to send me a screenshot of how the hud is showing so I can have an idea of ​​what I can do?

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Guest - - 706,806 comments


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Guest - - 706,806 comments

wOW!! thanks! it look great. This community is awesome, thanks for share great stuff =)

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koko8477107 - - 107 comments

The decoration 3D voxels still remain even after disabling them in the options.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

yup, this is intentional, the option disables only the pickups items!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
koko8477107 - - 107 comments

Well, how can I disable them using SLADE? Because those really hit the performance of my low spec machine. Its already laggy with some wads that have more than 150 monsters in a map.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

You don't need to use slade, a faster way is:
1) Open the Brutalv21 Arthur's Edition.pk3 file using winrar or winzip.
2) Delete the VOXELS folder, or, enter the folder and delete the voxels you don't want manually!
I hope this helps!

This is a bit extreme, it can cause some additional problems, but I would advise you to test it and see if it really improves your lag.
On my computer (which is also a low spec machine) the difference was so minimal that wasn't worth the headache to make it disable with the voxels option. I know that depending on the map it can vary.
But removing the voxels from the items improved the lag considerably, which is the option that the mod gives you, without needing to delete any folder.

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koko8477107 - - 107 comments

Thank you for this solution. It really helped.

I have noticed a slight improvement in performance.

My reference for this is MAP05: Woodexial from Japanese Community Project, that particular map had alot of those standing lanterns that were in 3D voxels before but now it's more bearable to play with, especially when it had alot of monsters to deal with at long range.

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simzzoker123 - - 77 comments

great mod! have a question, i like using that grappling/meathook mod with your mod and noticed that the binding for the meathook mod got somehow linked to your unload/reload binding, it wasn't doing this before, just since your reloaded version. is there anyway to separate that? only thing i could think to do was try to clear the binding for unload/reload but it also gets removed from the meathook mod at the same time. and again, thanks for all your hard work on this, you mod has become my favorite BD fork fora while now!

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

Thank you so much!
Could you send me the link to this mod so I can see what can be done?

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simzzoker123 - - 77 comments

just remembered its for project brutality but works in BD as well.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

I created a script so you can use the meathook but you need to:

1) Download the latest version of my mod, because it has the script.
2) Open the file "Meat_Hook_Doom_EternaL" using winrar or winzip.
3) Open the "keyconf" file using notepad or wordpad.
4) Change all writing to the following:

AddMenuKey "Use Meat Hook" +User1
DefaultBind F +User1

addmenukey "Use Meat Hook" hook
alias hook "puke 669"
defaultbind F hook

Hope this helps!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
simzzoker123 - - 77 comments

works! really appreciate that! Thanks for all your help!! really like what you did with the nail gun always always thought it was a little op but separate ammo not only makes sense but balances it out quite well!

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WoorHan - - 12 comments

I’ve got a one little minor complaint about firing mode and secondary fire binder together in-game. It seems that the option for weapon firing mode isn’t available for change on control setting but rather fused with alt-fire button. It becomes a bit irritating when the firing mode switch goes on instead of alt fire (or ADS mode) and vice versa, continuously clicking alt-fire/firing mode button until the one that I want shows off like lottery. The weapons that gets affected by this are beretta pistol and assault rifle.
It would be really helpful if the separate key for firing mode switch gets to appear on the control setting.

Other than that, superb work on your addon! This addon is one of the best brutal doom overhaul mods available. Smooth sprites, weapon powers, enemy variety, and gameplay option offers between tactical or classic. I dare say that this can be varied as the project brutality of BD. Keep up your work!

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

If you hold the alt fire it will go to the ADS and if you press it will make go burst mode.
It takes a little getting used to, I believe it's better than creating a special new button for this occasion, I tried to make everything as condensed as possible.
The reason for this lottery is because the response time is minimal, you need to quickly tab to make the burst and hold it longer for ads.
What I can do is increase this weapons response time!
It will take a little longer for the weapon to do any of the actions, but it will end this lottery.
I'll do a quick patch for that right now!
Thank you very much for the feedback!

Edit: I just posted the update! See if it's ok or if you want me to increase the response time a little more!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
WoorHan - - 12 comments

Thank you so much for much clearer explanation on switching between ADS/Burst firing mode! I just tried like you said after downloading the latest version, and I think I can get used to it. The response time is fine as well.

Hope you have merry holidays and new year! :D

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

I just realized that I uploaded the version without the new unloading for the shotgun! Fixing it now!

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

Hi man. There's a problem with the hand/frag grenades. Even when I'm all out I can still throw them limitless.

Here's how it happened:

TNT: (Hyper-Realism)
Found a rocket launcher and used it then I used the one grenade I had; after some time I've selected the grenade slot and was able to use them even without having any.

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

There's also some bugs with the proximity grenades/rockets. They use rockets from what I've noticed but have their own count so when I used all of them and changed weapons I couldn't activate/explode them remotely. So the mod is great and the only bugs I've found are related to the hand grenades.

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

Here's a demonstration

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

Hi!! i'm traveling but as soon as i get back i'll take a look at these problems and solve them as soon as possible! thank you so much for letting me know about this!

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

The bug with the demon morph sphere that I also show in the video is a compatibility issue related with the testing map?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments


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Guest - - 706,806 comments

When I try to manually reload I get the error "unkown command." This is particularly a problem since I really like the bdeagle handgun mod, but there it won't reload automatically and the reload command does not work. Is there a way to just disable the reloading feature entirely as in plain BD?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

I'll take a look at this mod and see what's going on! For now i just created the option to disable the realistic reload, but all weapons have reload mechanics, even the bfg!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

I would like to suggest something that might be cool, Arthur.

It would be really cool if we could set the music for each level within a BD (Brutal Doom) option (like the mutators you've created).

When I play the game using the Doom Metal Vol 4 or 5 the soundtrack is different from the original. Here's how it would look like:

BD Custom Soundtrack (option)
Map 01 = (soundtrack the user likes the most)
Map 02 = (...)
Map 03 = (...)

Map 01 = (...)

I know this requires a script decompiler and recompiler (ListACS and ACC) with the help of SLADE or other editor, but I lack the skills to extract data from compiled scripts like DYNAMICLEV.o and the text files MAPINFO and DYNAMICLEV.txt.

Of course this is only a suggestion. Thanks again for the great mod compilation.

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

i believe there are addons that do a much better job than mine to be honest!
This mod here, for example:
Its really worth trying, it even has packs ready if you want!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

Thanks, man

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments

Hey man. Happy new year!

Do you know if I can organize the tracks to play in a specific order? The mod is good but I can't set the tracks to play in a specific order even if I disable the shuffle option. It's completely random.
Do you know if there's another mod?

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

2.0 Changelog:

Remade the throw grenade system. Now you can throw, in addition to the grenades, axes, the chainsaw, shield, a fast revenant missile (doom4 style - you can even fire when dualwielding weapons), do a quick jab, and cast spell. All in the same hotkey. Press the Next Throw Item to switch between items.

I changed the rocket launcher's special fire, the new mode's altfire can charge up to 3 rockets before firing.

Baron Morph: If you press unload you will enter a rage mode which the next 4 melee attacks will do a lot more damage.

Mancubus Morph: Holding unload you will explode doing more damage when exiting the morph but you will get hurt in the process. Also change the super jump for the dualwield button. Now you can jump normally without sticking your head on the ceiling.

I made another health animation.
​​Countless bug fixes and balancing.

I removed the cast spell button and replaced it with the unload, now it will no longer be incompatible with the meathook mod.

I think that's it! If you find any bugs please let me know!

Edit: I made some last minute adjustments
Edit2: Fixed a bug when throwing an axe with it equipped

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ArcaneJames - - 41 comments


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OMXGAMERZ - - 281 comments

Where is my autoshotgun?

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REDGxHD - - 31 comments

The mod is great, it has a lot of cool stuff.
But there are two things that bother me a lot because it negatively influences the way I play:
ADS is too crude. I find it counterproductive that the same ads button activates a weapon function, holding down so that just after a few seconds put your sights, it leaves you very badly affected.

There is no option to change the hud to a cleaner one. My pc is a potato and so many options in the hud it slows down, and more when I get armor that activates the hud lights. I only see the option to play with and without hud.
Thanks, I hope there are options to modify these two features

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arthoriusb Author
arthoriusb - - 230 comments

If you go in aiming option, in dox weapons option, you can configure the aiming type, putting press once can help with your problem! There are only two weapons that are affected by the dual function of ads, the pistol and the rifle, I didn't want to create a new button just for them, I hope you understand my decision!

About the hud i also use a potato computer and it, for me, doesnt affect performance, but i promise that when i get more knowledge on how to make the hud more universal with other mods/addons it will be the first thing i will do!

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