The patch contains various bugfixes and game improvements such as widescreen support, and provides some GUI tweaks. It also enables the use of the FMSel fan mission loader frontend with Thief 3 and bundles the most important T3 mods. It works with the GOG and Steam versions of the game.

Post news Report RSS Sneaky Upgrade 1.1.10 released

An end-the-mission key combo, a bundled D3D9 wrapper DLL and more configurability and fixes for the Minimalist Project.

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1.1.10 is out. The core Sneaky Upgrade has the following changes:

  • New tweak to disable health bar auto-hiding (with a tweak override in the MP)
  • New tweak to improve formatting of the loading quote text (with an override in T3G)
  • New tweak to use a bright mouse cursor
  • The SneakyTweaker tool will now show a message box on start-up, warning about a few things that seem to confuse people the most
  • SneakyTweaker is now aware of AngelLoader use
  • Added an option to install the d3d8to9 wrapper DLL from ReShade
  • 'Direct load' is disabled in fullscreen when a D3D wrapper DLL is in use. (Would cause crashes)
  • Press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+End to end the current mission. (Can be disabled in the tweaker)
  • The game should now start in the desktop resolution for first-time installers (or if you chose to delete the options files while installing)
  • FMSel updated to version 1.1.2, now including Russian translation

A couple of people have installed the SU and then wondered why their existing saves appeared to be missing - and it really wasn't obvious... So the tweak tool will now show a dialogue explaining this, plus a couple of other non-obvious things. The dialogue can be easily disabled.

To improve compatibility with Windows 10, the installer now provides a wrapper DLL to make the game run on Direct3D 9, in the form of the d3d8to9 DLL from ReShade. If you have dgVoodoo or something else installed already, the installer will respect that and not install d3d8to9 by default.

It has often been suggested to copy the skip-the-current-mission function from Thief 1-2. This is now in place, with a couple of limitations: City sections can't be skipped but must be played through normally. This is the only caveat for Thief 3 Gold. The original (non-T3G) missions can only be ended from one of the half-maps and, worse, ending the Pagan and Kurshok missions will not cause the objectives to be ticked off, so it may not be possible to continue. (This has been fixed in Thief 3 Gold.)

New stuff in the mods:

Minimalist Project:

  • Fixed a bug where picking up loot would trigger a video if loot glint was disabled
  • Restored speed settings from the original MP, creep is now non-silent again
  • Optional arrow trails. (Gameplay part)
  • The classic health bar and classic-ish lightgem/compass are now optional. (GUI part)
  • Fixes for original bugs causing extra playstyle objectives and restrictions to not show up
  • Removed redundant 'do not kill non-combatants' restriction on Ghost
  • Smaller and more evenly sized text on maps, especially with the Fonts mod enabled
  • Various fixes, mostly to make the separation of the gameplay and GUI parts more consistent

Here's an example of the new map text compared to the original MP - notice the partially missing text on the upper left in the original. (GIF, should animate.)

MP map text improvement

Note that because of gamesys changes the savegame version for Minimalist has been bumped - so anybody wanting to use MP savegames from previous stable releases should not update.

The Fonts mod:

  • Added 'gold' symbol to all fonts (replacing yen)
  • Fixed an issue with disappearing map text - in English, at least. In other locales there may still be a few cases

Here's an example of the currency symbol in use:

'Gold' currency symbol

Thief 3 Gold:

  • Removed overriding .sch files to better accommodate unofficial translations
  • Changed a couple of scripts to make it possible to skip through the Pagan and Kurshok missions

One of the removed .sch files was there to improve the formatting of loading quotes - that's now done by overriding a general tweak setting. The other one would slightly rename savegames so that original and T3G saves could be told apart - an artifact from early T3G versions, really. For a long time T3G saves have been kept separate and they contain a file specifying which version of T3G they're for, so the .sch file has been removed.

Here's a video showing some of the above: Bright cursor, custom resolution set to follow the desktop, nicer loading screen quotes, skipping missions. Minimalist playstyle restrictions shown in the briefing, non-silent creep, classic HUD with original health bar / lightgem, arrow trails:

Thanks to everyone who tested the betas, especially Estel Randir for lots of MP feedback and suggestions. Also thanks to Glypher and DonSleza4e for the Russian FMSel translation.

There are no changes to the mod content, so the Update Edition can be used for beta installs. If upgrading from use the Full Edition and make sure to install the new versions of the MP, T3G and Fonts mods.

Get it from the files section.

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Lesbian_Owl - - 136 comments

I am watching this closely. Its great ****!!! Can you make a safe wrapper version which only has working shaders? Great work so far!

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brotherhankmay - - 1 comments

I'm using a Steam version and I have checked Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game however I can't use the overlay. (shift + tab). Is there a way where I can? I'd like to be able to take Steam screenshots (not print screen) and access the Steam community while in game. The closest I can get is by adding Thief 3 with Sneaky Upgrade as a non Steam game, but I'd like it to recognize that I'm playing a legit Steam copy so I can view the as per usual guides and news in the overlay as well as taking screenshots. Thanks!

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Daveed93 - - 76 comments

I'm playing the game with this version of the mod and I noticed that the landlord blackmail money is not spawning for me beyond day one of the game's story. Otherwise it's great!

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Bigman88 - - 7 comments

From what I am playing so far in thief 3, it seems like you cannot blackjack/stab people unless your close enough behind them to raise your arm arm. If it is not, then they tank the hit. Problem is Garret will lower his arm at times. Other times he wont raise his arm to attack at all. They just take the hit instead of going down.

Also, Garrett will not raise his arm to blackjack/stab people if they are looking for you or investigating a noise. So you have to wait for them to chill out before the game allows Garrett to raise his arm and strike.

Also, you cannot blackjack to death anybody who is aware of you. In the last games, it took 20 wacks, but they eventually go down, which was good because you at least had an option to silence that person if you were caught. Now, you either have to knife them dead, or try running and hiding. No chance to incapacitate them until they cool down.

Last, getting up close behind people who are walking when you are crouched seems to be impractical, as your crouch walk speed seems to be the same as their walk speed. So to get up close and knock them out before they turn around, I have to compensate with standing up and running for part of it, which results in them sometimes hearing and turning around. Would the game get too easy if I adjusted the speed?

Am I wrong about these things? Are these modifications to the game with sneaky upgrade patch? Do I just suck, and need to adjust to the games mechanics? Need help.

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