Adds more dialogue for Boone, along with an optional romance subplot and two new mini quests.

Post news Report RSS BBR v8 Overview and Future Plans

A detailed look at the new features of version 8 and a short update on what's next.

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(Why didn't I make a "get the fuck outta the rock" option?!)

Hello peeps! I am back with yet another update!

First things first - embarrassing technical hiccup: something went wrong when I uploaded ver 7.5 and the archive didn't include the voice files of Dr.Usanagi, Manny, or No-Bark, meaning their dialogue would be silent. I feel horrible for missing it!

I fixed the download so people can replace it if they backup their mod files, but I guess you can call me an apple, because its become outdated almost right away.

v8 is here!!

This update adds a lot of features I wanted to include for a long time, but only recently figured out how to code for.

The biggest change is the new romance scene before Hoover Dam. Before ver. 8, there was only a short conversation during the battle on the NCR side. That conversation is still intact, this scene is entirely independent of it. To access it, you must...

  • Delay the battle by clicking "I am not ready yet" when the message about Hoover Dam appears. (obvs)
  • Liberate Nelson from the Legion
  • Fight on behalf of the NCR

Read the info on the summary or v8 file page for technical info. Although I will reiterate here because its so important - when you activate the quest, Boone leaves your party. Don't click on the dialogue option "The general wants to see me?..." until you're ready to do the quest.

In the future, I am considering making the quest available to Independent and Mr.House players, but there are some reasons I didn't do that already -

Fighting independently or for Mr.House pits you against NCR at Hoover Dam, which naturally leads to negative reputation, and in turn, Boone getting angry and leaving your party. This would kill the mod's storyline. To get around this, I'd have to implement something that stops Boone from leaving if you're on the NCR's bad side, and the only lore-friendly way to do that would be a speech check convincing Boone that the NCR isn't worth fighting for. I am not keen to do that because...

  1. I don't know if it'd be true to Boone's character to turn against the NCR for any reason. He's certainly not blindly loyal, but he very much has an attitude of "they're the best of the worst", and he does have a sense of camaraderie with other NCR troopers. Even with a speech 100 check, I find it hard to imagine Boone abandoning those ideals.
  2. I am TERRIFIED of what kind of script would be required to pull off such a feat, let alone the ramifications it could have with the rest of the games code. The reputation system in FNV is fucked enough as it is.

I want this mod to be relatively open to all player's, but the more I think about it, the more I lean towards the idea that BBR makes the most sense for an NCR playthrough. I am open to hearing other's thoughts on this, so don't be shy!

The next big change is the new conversation in the quest, "Beyond the Beef". Check it out here!

When I played this quest for the first time, I got flashbacks learning about the bride b plot.

A lady recently went missing, her fiance suspects foul play, while the lady in charge speculates that she simply ran off. In truth, something far more sinister happened.

HMMMMMMMMM.....where have I heard that before?

This dialogue is designed as a pseudo 'mask-slip', moment. Chauncey was just murdered, but both him and the player only knew him for a few minutes, and its not like neither of them haven't witnessed killing before. Nothing about the situation would warrant a particularly strong emotional reaction...unless...

The conversation does play out differently if you're already familiar with Boone's story, but I personally prefer the less open version. It hints toward the unspoken resentment Boone carries, an element barely touched upon in the base game; how those around him appear to be apathetic to what happened with Carla. This bride b-plot is so strikingly similar to Boone's situation that I refuse to believe it was not intentional. FNV's development cycle being what it was though, Obsidian probably didn't have time to do anything with it. I am honored to have been able to touch upon this story, even in this smallest of ways.

The third biggest thing is the conversation with Ricky. I am still baffled I managed to get this to work.


"Tee hee...I am in danger!"

If you're a lady and romancing Boone, he has some choice words for the guy that has the audacity to harass you.

Depending on how the ambush plays out, he may or may not also predict the future...

Check out the conversation in action here!

The last major update is location chatter. This article is getting long enough as it is though, so here's a link to the video showcasing it.

There's only two so far, as those are the only ones I've thought of so far. It can be annoying when companions never shut up, so I am taking a less is more approach with location chatter now that I've cracked the code on it. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to share!

I am glad I was able to release another update before summer ended. Once college starts again, I will most likely be too preoccupied with that to work on this mod. Who knows for sure, though.

That's all for now. I hope you enjoy the new content!

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