Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

Report RSS USA Update: Beam Breakthroughs

Hello generals! This week we are exploring the new models for the Avenger and the Microwave Tank, as well as some fun little extras at the end, just for you!

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Greetings everyone!
We're back with the weekly update, this time a little more simple one showcasing some updated models to some USA classics. We hope you enjoy.

A big part of the optimisation process in 1.9 has been minimising polygons on existing units so they are less CPU intensive. One of the most consistent contributors to lag is units that have excessive polygons, especially common units that will be seen in larger numbers over a typical game. Going forward, if you see a new model to an existing unit then you can safely assume that the newer version will be using less polygons than its older equivalent. A large number of units have undergone this optimisation process, including the two on show today - The Avenger and the Microwave Tank. These new models are now more optimised and we believe look significantly more impressive than their old versions. What do you think? Tell us below. 😊

American Avenger

In the early years of the GLA War, General Gregory Townes was assigned to US Army Futures Command, whose purpose is to develop innovative tactics and technologies for the wars of tomorrow. During this assignment, no programme was closer to Townes' heart than the Project Pinpoint - the development of directed energy weapons for the "clean", surgical precision-based warfare of the mid-21st century.

One early product of this development was the Avenger-L, a new variant of a light self-propelled air defence system first introduced in the late 1980s. Mounted on the ubiquitous Humvee utility vehicle, the system consists of three distinct components, each with its own role on the battlefield. The twin laser turret on the back of the vehicle is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters and ballistic missiles with rapid precision pulses.

The second feature is a laser designator pod fitted on top of the vehicle's canopy. This can be used to mark targets at long distances, allowing friendly forces to fire on them more rapidly. Finally, the canopy is also equipped with two Point Defence Lasers, to protect the vehicle and nearby friendly forces against incoming projectiles, such as shoulder-launched rockets and anti-tank missiles that would otherwise pose a significant threat.

An early production series of the Avenger-L saw service late during the GLA War. The system was credited with many successful interceptions of GLA-operated aircraft and protecting coalition troops in numerous engagements, prior to the withdrawal of US forces from the conflict. Two decades later, many other products of Project Pinpoint, such as the Microwave Tank, the Cyclops tactical laser and the orbital Particle Cannon network form a key component in US operations.

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American Microwave

The US military made its first widespread use of microwave weapons during the later years of the GLA War in the 2020s. At that time, early versions of these weapons were typically field-fitted onto various vehicles, such as Humvees, tactical trucks or old personnel carriers returned from storage.

These improvised “microwave tanks” proved effective in a number of engagements against the GLA, but were not free of technical and design-related problems. Power efficiency and controllability of the large projector arrays was poor and their size made for awkward manoeuvring in dense urban environments obstructed by street lamps, underpasses and low-hanging power lines.

In the late 2030s, the Pentagon issued a request for a dedicated, more refined version of the concept. Specifications included use of a lightweight track chassis - ideally based on an existing platform - improvements to power management and fire controls, and a lower profile.

A number of American and international arms manufacturers presented competing designs, including a collaborative one by United Land Systems and the Rayburn Corporation. It combined the chassis of the recently adopted Acolyte tank with a powerful and space efficient projector array, marketed as the Area Denial Active Microwave System or ADAMS for short - although testing crews sardonically dubbed it the "waffle iron" due to its appearance. It was this proposal which won the competition.

Few years later, the new Microwave Tank was introduced to light armour support units of US Army airborne divisions as well as the US Marine Corps. In combat, it capitalises on the strengths of its predecessors, without any of their shortcomings, reliably disabling vehicles and buildings at long range and neutralising enemy personnel with deadly and frequently graphic effect.

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Seeing as the Microwave Tank now has an actual movable turret on it (unlike the ZH design), we have been doing some experimenting to see if a 'beam' attack it can use on individual infantry (similar to its airborne equivalent in the Comanche with the Microwave Kit) will be a good fit for the unit. As a special treat for you all, here's a sneak peak on what that could look like if we decide to keep it.

image 1

Finally. because i am a generous PR man nursing a hangover, I thought it would also be nice to drop another little sneak peek onto some of our other experiments we're doing to some US Infantry units. The speculation chat on the Discord really liked these, so we hope you enjoy seeing them and speculating on their uses just as much as they have been.

image 1

That's all for this week. No time for seconds, you've had more than your fair share, back of the line you.
I'm going to go lie down and order a kebab, and I hope you all get to have an enjoyable lunch as well.

Till next time!

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Bobtik - - 10 comments

Mashallah these models are glorious.

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SveaRikeSoldier - - 1,644 comments

Mmm... waffles..

Question: is the Chaparall going to be reintroduced in 2.0?

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8ft_Robot - - 404 comments

pretty sure the Chaparall is for all intents and purpose scrapped in favor of the Patriot carrier truck. considering what a relic the Chaparall is already

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 125 comments

The Chaparral has been replaced with the Patriot for a few years now 🙂

Reply Good karma+4 votes
8ft_Robot - - 404 comments

those laser sights, from what i have seen allow the unit that has it to perform precision shots are further range at the cost of RoF. looks like they are packing demolition equipment on the backpacks too.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,255 comments

The laser sights have been reworked. More info soon ^^

Reply Good karma+2 votes
eil - - 893 comments

Surely not a big deal, but somehow i like the old wider (tank-)style of Microwave more - this thin thing looks kinda fragile.

Yet now it's definitely the best and OP'est anti-infantry unit: not only huge effective mass attack, but a concentrated fire-mode too.(now i'll be able to roast beefy Felins with dedicated beam, yoo-hoo!)

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The_Hunter649 Creator
The_Hunter649 - - 460 comments

It's mostly a lot taller than the old model and about the same size :)

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JackofknavesII - - 85 comments

Laser sights aside, does that mean the Chem Suit upgrade gives infantry gas masks now?

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,255 comments

Laser sights are not tied to Chem suits, and Chem Suits do not grant gas masks

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CptIstvanofArdeal - - 2,371 comments

I like my fundamentalist's deep-fried and extra crispy

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Tleno - - 1,093 comments

Quite happy you're willing to do so much for sake of optimisation, too many Generals modders forget this is a 20 years old 32-bit antique with no multithreading.

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Gittish-Lad - - 136 comments

The last photo.. is that.. hmm... Are they related to the paradrop? They seem to have a marksman now and some explosives.

Or maybe some kits for the basic infantry XD

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ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 125 comments

You'll need to wait and see 😉

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Thirsty_Hirsty - - 224 comments

Hope the hangover went fast! Great article, thank you!

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Guest - - 706,853 comments

I am sorry if this is a dumb question but where could I download latest version of the mod?? The latest on this site is the one released in 2015. Is there no updates released after that? Thanks

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ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 125 comments

1.87 Is available on Gen Launcher.
If you don't know what that is, Google it :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 706,853 comments

omg thanks you are a life saver. I love this mod thank you

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