Welcome to WARMONGER56 mods. Here you will find three full version mods to download, plus over 20 addon mods. From the 3 full versions mods plus addons, you can build just about any type of mod you want to play, with the aid of the model manager 1.5 that is available for download here. The full mods and addons consist of A female advisor, recolored maps, music, AI'S, Original ETW and Napoleon movie that plays while your in the grand campaign menu screen, new campaign map generals, admirals, rakes, ministers, and clergy icons. A lot of different new flags, new loading screens, and the list goes on. I invite you to drop in on my download page and check it out. Weather you are looking for something to enhance your mod or want to start from scratch and build a new mod, I am sure you will find something new to add to your mod to further enhance your gaming experience.The full V'S are, WM56 ETW 1700S mod V1,V2. The Pirates Gate mod V1,V2. The Napoleon mod V1, plus I am currently working on V2 which is reskinning the Napoleon mod eastern factions. Their are currently over 20 addon mods that cover all 3 full version mods. I test every thing to make sure the mod works before I ever release it to the public, so you don't have to worry about bugs and crashes. If you decide to download and try my mods, I would greatly appreciate it, if you could give me some feedback or maybe even rate my mods on Mod db, that would be greatly appreciated as well. I hope you have a great time and enjoy browsing my downloads. Happy gaming from WARMONGER56!

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  • Welcome to the, TACW news update. Today I will be talking about the progress that has been made on TACW mod and where I will be going with the mod from here. For the, TACW mod, I am using the late campaign all factions playable Esf Starpos. I have a lot of work to do here, so I plan to make changes as I work on each faction instead of trying to do it all at once. Starting with the North American region campaign, Spain is General Lee and the army of Northern Virginia, while the United States is General Grant and the army of the Potomac. General Lee will fly the CSA army flag while the US will fly the stars and stripes. The other factions for NA region will become union or confederate states and will fly there states flag above the capital of there city. I will be doing the NA factions and region last in this mod. Europe region: I started with the British faction as General Lee and the Virginians. London England is now Richmond Virginia and the cities and towns, ports and such have been renamed. The Original 13 star confederate flag will fly over the capital city of Richmond. France is now part of the union, and Paris France will be Washington DC. The cities and towns will be renamed and the stars and stripes will fly over the capital of the city. All of the other factions in the European theater will either be union or confederate states and will fly the state flag of the state they are representing. The eastern factions and India: For now I am undecided about changing the eastern factions, either way, you will be able to play all factions and play in all 3 regions. While working on this mod is going slowly, I have had a few breakthrough's and successes with TACW mod. At this point, I cant give a timeline as to when the mod will be ready for the public. I just hope it doesn't take as long to do the mod ad it did to fight the civil war. The Video and the picture below, depict the work and progress that has been made on TACW mod so far. Now its time to get back to work on this mod. I would like to close in saying, Thankyou to Mod db and those of you that have become fans of my work over the past 3 years. Your support is greatly appreciated. I will be posting more articles on TACW mod as the mod progresses over time. I would like to invite you to drop in on the WARMONGER56 mod db page and check out my downloads page which now has 3 full version mods and 27 addon mods that you can download to further enhance your gaming experience with the aid of the MM 1.5, which you can also download from me. Until the next article, I hope you enjoyed this article and happy gaming from WM56.
  • Union Colonel Joshua Camberlain IMAGE 10
  • Z Gen Lee IMAGE 1
  • Union Army Image 5
  • Union Pennsylvania Reg Flag Img 7
  • Union Pennsylvania Reg Flag Img 10Z TACW US CSA Generals IMAGE 1
WM56 Napoleon Mod News and Addon mod info

WM56 Napoleon Mod News and Addon mod info


In this article I will be sharing the latest Napoleon mod news plus Addon mod info for the Napoleon mod. I will also be sharing info about the new AI...

Mods and Addon Mods News Update

Mods and Addon Mods News Update


Hi to all! Welcome to my second mod news article for 2024. I deleted all of my past articles so we can get a fresh start on up-to-date news on my mods...

Mod News Update

Mod News Update


Hi and welcome to the WARMONGER56 mod news update. Today I will be talking about the Napoleon mod changes and improvements plus the mod that I will be...

News Release

News Release


Hi, and welcome to Empire Total War Napoleon. Now that the Napoleon mod has been released, you can now bring about the war of 1812 as the Americans or...

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WM56 Napoleon CAI BAI

WM56 Napoleon CAI BAI

Model Pack

This is the new CAI and BAI for the WM56 ETW Napoleon Mod.

WM56 ETW 1700S Models

WM56 ETW 1700S Models

Model Pack 1 comment

This model's pack contains 130 uniforms for the early and late campaign plus 130 new face variations. NEW UPDATE!

WM56 HD Graphics

WM56 HD Graphics

Model Pack 2 comments

High-Definition Graphic Pack Terrestria Orbem new version edited by Imperial Splendor team and downloaded from Imperial Splendor. You can use this graphics...



Model Pack

The files in this mod consist of recolored maps of the campaign ,trade routes and campaign hud Plus the ESF has been edited to give all major factions...



Model Pack 7 comments

Welcome to the WM56 ETW Napoleon mod. With this mod you have access to North America, Europe, India and the middle East. You can bring about the war of...



Model Pack

This Napoleon mod updates contains grand campaign generals for all 11 major factions. 1 new euro line infantry for Bavaria. Almost all Eastern factions...

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Thunderofcannons - - 213 comments

Wouldn't it be better to use the Warpath Campaign Map for the Civil War?

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WARMONGER56 - - 57 comments

Hi! No need to use the Warpath Campaign Map because it only has the North American map. By using the grand campaign map, you will be able to fight the civil war in North America, and Europe. You will be able to play in India , but as of now, I am undecided about if I will leave India as is or transform it to the civil war. Thanks for your interest in TACW mod and your question, and happy gaming from WARMONGER56.

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Thunderofcannons - - 213 comments

I thought it was about the American Civil War not some fictional World Civil War.

I like the units though they look cool.

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WARMONGER56 - - 57 comments

Hi! You misunderstood me. The European factions will either be union or confederate and they will represent either a union state or confederate state. For example: If I pick Prussia to be a union faction from the state of Pennsylvania, then the battlefields like Gettysburg will be named on the map. The generals and units will reflect some of the battles fought in Pennsylvania during the CW. There will be Gen Lee and his army near by to attack the union army at Gettysburg. This mod will be all about the civil war. Stay tune in for the latest in images and up coming articles on TACW mod. WARMONGER56!

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Guest - - 706,874 comments

From a historical standpoint, wouldn't it be better to leave the European factions as is? Britain supplied the CSA with guns and blockade runners, Canada supported the Union, and even Russia got involved.

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WARMONGER56 - - 57 comments

Hi, and thanks for your interest in TACW mod. I am doing a blog at the moment that will explain what this mod will be all about. Stay tuned for the posting of TACW blog, so you can read what TACW mod is all about. Happy gaming from WARMONGER56!

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Guest - - 706,874 comments

How many countries will be in the mod

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WARMONGER56 - - 57 comments

Hi! There are 42 factions, 21 factions will be Union factions and 21 will be Confederate factions. Each Union faction will represent a union state and each Confederate faction will represent a confederate state. So far Spain and England have been chosen as confederate states and the United state and France have been chosen as union states. Spain and Britain will represent the state of Virginia in the North American campaign and Europe, while the US and France will represent Washington DC. in the North American and European campaigns. Each union or confederate faction will fly its states flag above the capital city that was used at the start of the civil war in 1861. As of now you can play 41 of the 42 factions, and I hope to have all 42 factions playable by the release of TACW Mod. At the start of a campaign you will be able to choose if you want to play as 1 of the 42 factions, confederate or union. I will be posting images every day or so plus doing some more articles as I make progress on the mod. Thanks for the interest in my mod and your question and happy gaming from WARMONGER56.

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Thunderofcannons - - 213 comments

If you tighten formations and make the muskets a little less accurate ETW TACW would be a great mod to play.

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WARMONGER56 - - 57 comments

Hi! Thanks for your comment on TACW mod. I will take your advise under advisement. TACW mod is currently using the Napoleon mod formation and musket accuracy. The Artillery is also set at 50 percent kill ratio. What is your opinion on the artillery? I will be doing some research on the actual Civil war Weapons and formations as well, I just haven't got to that point yet. Thanks for your feedback and happy gaming from WARMONGER56.

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