Miss the legend? Return to the legacy! Duke Nukem 3D is back, rebalanced, remixed and HARDER. A mix between the old and the new, play with new (legacy) weapons, against new (legacy) enemies. Legacy Edition will make you sweat, be strategic, jump, run, dodge and blow everything away. Play the original 4 episodes with beta and alpha elements remixed into the game. Duke is back and the world needs YOU!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 22)

Finally the first released Duke3d mod which uses elements from the prototypes to enhance the original game!

I was really surprised this mod not only includes lots of assets from the betas but also rebalances everything to make the game far more challenging. Such as you can't carry as much ammo compared to the vanilla game, and you take a lot more damage than normal.

The beta weapons are really fun to use and are cleverly balanced to fit alongside the original weapons. My favorite is the Plasma Rifle because it is all around effective in most situations and the ammo pickup is quite generous.

The beta enemies pack a punch and will keep you on your toes. The bosses have been greatly buffed and are a real threat now.

I really like how the Battlelord's accuracy has been tweaked so he isn't an aimbot now at all ranges like the original, but can actually miss shots, which is good since everything does more damage.

The score system and extra lives are a great throwback to Duke Nukem 1 and 2 and give the mod an arcade and nostalgic feeling.

This is an amazing homage to Duke3D with the beta content adapted into the original game's campaign for the best experience.

This is an excellent way to revisit and replay the original with an exciting and challenging twist.

I look forward to future updates with Episode 4 and the possibility of a custom campaign.

Well done and thank you for your hard work Marcolino in bringing this to completion!

Especially since I remember you tried to make a beta type mod over a decade ago but lost everything due to a hard drive crash. Thank you for coming back and finishing what you started! Hail to the King!

If you're looking for a legendary and CHALLENGING experience then look no further to Duke Nukem 3D Legacy Edition.

The mod contains a lot of beta elements from the game.

The game did a lot of major balancing on the weapons and enemies making the experience a lot harder but not unfair.

As for the weapon roster, there has been a lot of changes, the pistol has been nerfed as it's semi-auto now, however it's precise against enemies at long range, it also has an Alt.Fire mode that shoots bullets in a burst, great in close combats against low tier enemies but unusable against hordes of enemies.

There's two shotguns in the game, the regular shotgun which is from the beta of the game is weak as it takes two shots to kill a Pig Cop but very precise at medium range, we also have the Double Shotgun which is much powerful than the regular shotgun but it's less precise, it takes one shot to kill a PigCop, sometimes the enemies get gibbed while using the shotguns so that a nice touch.
The chaingun shoots much faster than in the Vanilla version of the game.

The Plasma Riffle, which is one of the weapons that got discarded from the beta, the gun shoots a spread of plasma bolts which can be great against the enemies in the game.
The RPG got a revamp in terms of execution, as it's missles are very fast, but they have a drop velocity which can be a liability against long range enemies and they do not deal splash damage, great against Ocotbrains.

The Ultra RPG is more effective and risky considering that it fires missiles with a big splash damage so be careful when using it. While the Pipebombs, Shrinker and the Devastator remain unaltered from the vanilla version, the Expander now fires a regular projectile just like the Shrinker but this time around it expands the enemies and they go BOOM.
The Flamethrower can cook enemies into a Beef Wellington but be careful not to burn yourself or else you'll turn yourself into a frying omelet and the aliens love to eat omelets.
As far as enemies goes, there are new kids in the block, such as the new variations of the Enforcer, some Enforcers have flamethrowers others have chain guns, and in some cases, there are Enforcers that pack Plasma Riffles and they can paralyze you.
The same can be said about the PigCop, some Pig Cops carry a regular shotgun others carry a Double Shotgun, in Episode 3, there's a big Pig Cop that it's more dangerous.

Snake Heads, LameDuke Drones and even the Organic Turrets make an appearance.
The Bosses remain unchanged from the Original Version, however the Overlord received a major visual change that pays homage to the beta sprite of said enemy and gameplay change, since it can hit scan you so be careful.
However the boss that made my Jaw Dropping was the Cycloid Emperor, and the fight is one of the most intense in Duke Nukem history.

The Author tried to make the boss fight very intense, as it has 3 phases
1. the Emperor is protected by the 3 LameDuke Octobrains and you need to focus them first and then fight the emperor.
2. the Stadium gets shorter and you need to use your 4000 years of Build Engine skills to it's maximum power to defeat him.
3. He will not hold back and will go ape **** by spamming napalm projectiles, you need to have your FPS skills razor sharp in this part.
One of my complains of the Vanilla version of Duke 3D was that the game even on Come Get Some was too easy.

However the mod makes the game much harder but not unfair, I mean you can still play the mod on the easier difficulty but I think you'll get the best experience if you play on the harder difficulties where it can turn you into a manly man with sunglasses.

For me, it wasn't that hard, given that I've played the original many times since when I was young kid.

On the harder difficulties, the damage from the enemies gets increased, for instance if you're playing on CGS mode, you get 2x the damage from the enemies, on DIG you get a whopping 3X THE DAMAGE you get from the enemies.

But keep it mind that if you die to an enemy, it's mostly your fault, so save often and don't do mistakes.

Luckily for the player there are extra lives that you can collect thought the levels which is VITAL to your quest to kill all the aliens in the game.

As for me, I had a lot of enjoyment playing this game on the harder difficulties which was something that the original lacked in terms of difficulty but that's my opinion, your mileage may vary.

The Soundtrack, it packed a lot of adrenaline, with some songs from Total Meltdown as well as some songs from the 1995 beta version of Duke 3D.

When you're facing the bosses, the music changes which positively affects the experience of the game.

I really liked the mod, it mixes a lot of elements from the Beta versions of the game and blends them into an excellent smoothie fill to the brim with excitement.
I dare to say that this might be the definitive way to play Duke 3D.

All things considered the Mod is Legendary just like the man himself, Duke Nuk

This mod is amazing, its the best experience to replay duke nukem 3d with modern controls and it have some surprise for the duke community fans, like lameduke enemies and boss fight changes 10/10


This is simply amazing mod thats finnaly gives Duke 3D its long awaited upgrade , the animations , gore , music its simply amazing , as a really big Duke Nukem 3D fan I cant say anything bad aboit except HAIL TO THE KING , BABY !

Duke Nukem 3D is my favorite game of all time.

I don't know if I can go back to playing vanilla Duke 3D after playing this mod. This my favorite Duke 3D mod of all time and one of the best mods I have played for any game.

New weapons, new enemies, existing weapons updated with new fire modes, map tweaks, new music, a comprehensive scoring system.. the list goes on and on.

If you are a classic FPS fan (and especially if you are a Duke 3D fan) you simply MUST play this mod.

Can't wait for this mod to get bigger and better as new iterations are released.

It's a good time to be a Duke fan. Hail to the king, baby!

Finally, a mod that does not alter the core game design!! It's the true brutal doom experience of Duke Nukem 3D.

You should defintely check it out!

Waiting for Civvie11 to make a video about the mod!!


Duke Nukem 3D Legacy Edition, is a mod that will make you rediscover Duke Nukem 3D, with its new weapons and new enemies that will test your reflexes. I can't wait to find out what's next...

The ultimate version of Duke 3D, makes the game far more fun, varied, and difficult. You'll even be able to save babes like DN64!


rjsxz says

Agree Disagree



Great mod, new weapons are interesting withtout being too much.
Musics remix are very good.

I think this mod should borrow some graphics/gore/effects/sounds from kickass mod and we would get something almost perfect.