Duke Nukem, the politically incorrect celebrity and ultimate alien ass kicker, defends Earth and its babes from alien invasion. Take the fight to the aliens in Hollywood, Los Angeles, a moon base and alien spacecraft. Defeat the aliens, so Duke can get back to some R&R with a stogie, a warm belly and a bottle of Jack.

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DN3D SOB Version 0.98 Changelog

Fixed a bug that kept making the Gorilla Captain flip its sprites horizontally at random as he attacks.
Fixed a bug that caused you to drop a special weapon being carried while on Steroids and pressing the FIRE MODE 3 Button.
Fixed a bug that caused all dead bodies to face the same direction.
Fixed a bug on the End of Map Screen that kept screaming babes, confetti cannon, and crowd cheering sound effects from working correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused the "Rip'em a new one." VO line to play repediately when the Atomic Core Savior Bonus was active.
Fixed a bug that caused the Rockets fired by the Inhuman Devastator to hit the player while flying and aiming down.
Fixed a bug that caused the Inhuman Devastator FIRE MODE 2 rockets to bug out and continue firing if the FIRE MODE 2 Button was being held down when killed and resurrected with Steroids.
Fixed a bug that caused bloody footprints to not sit properly on floors and instead get stuck in the air as if on a wall.
Fixed a bug that caused some enemies that were resurrected by a Grayman to be huge in size.
Fixed a bug that caused the animation for Danger Close to pause when killed and Steroids is activated.
Fixed a bug that caused enemies to be huge in size on map start.
Fixed a bug that caused Overlord Sentries or Gorilla Captains to not spawn in the same place that the swapped out Battlelord Sentry was originally located.
Fixed a bug that caused Duke to make pain sounds and spawn wall blood splats when near fire but not close enough to be damaged.
Fixed a bug that caused Duke to make pain sounds and spawn wall blood splats when near poison but not close enough to be damaged.

Frame Rate Optimizations

Further optimized burning actor effects to reduce frame rate issues.
Further optimized poisoned actor effects to reduce frame rate issues.
Toned down the frequency of the DC Crab Boss's shield effects created when shot to reduce frame rate issues.
Halved the number of projectiles created by the Death Chem's primary ice attack and doubled its damage output to keep the same damage rates but also reduce frame rate issues.
Toned down the frequency of the Gray Man's shield effects created when shot to reduce frame rate issues.
Added a precache system for upscaled sprites and textures to reduce frame rate issues (Let the maps completely preload sprites and textures).
Further optimized gibs and debris for E5L3 in specific areas of the map to reduce frame rate issues.
Implemented strict removal protocols for gibs and debris when the fps drops below 30 to reduce frame rate issues.
Tweaked the stream effects count created by poisonous goo projectiles to reduce frame rate issues.

Added a new HUD.
All damage now makes the player's screen flash red.
Added more palette variants for Duke's hand and arm view sprites.
Added bad language censoring capabilities to some of Duke's new VO lines that should be disabled if the Parental Lock option is on.
The maximum amount of armor allowed has been increased to 200.
Increased the priority of the player's voice when on Steroids.
Lizardman spit on your screen no longer covers up your HUD.
The more armor you have the more damage resistance is increased.
Duke will not always say the "Rip'em a new one." VO line when picking up an Atomic Health pickup.
When falling from great heights and smashing into the floor while using God Mode a nuclear explosion is no longer triggered as if you were killed.
When falling from great heights and smashing into the floor while on Steroids gibs from your body are no longer emitted.
Duke no longer makes his pain sound effects when standing in fire while on Steroids.
You can now shrink and unshrink yourself while on Steroids.
Added a beeping incoming missile warning sound effect.
You can no longer unshrink yourself when in tiny tunnels.
Screen effects no longer get removed when tipping strippers.
All Duke VO lines now get silenced properly when on Steroids.

You can now pick up and throw Lizardman feces to deal poison damage to enemies by crouching near it and pressing thew USE Button.
The Meat Grinder now properly displays the handle grip and hand when switching between it and the Nailgun secret weapon.
Reconfigured the Long Strike's firing animation to make it look better animated and less static.
The Zsalinski Culverin's slimey muzzle effect that appears when FIRE MODE 3 is used no longer glows in the dark.
The Meat Grinder now creates proper sound and particle effects when the spinning barrels touch surfaces and enemies.
While in Alien Beast form damage received is divided by 4, any damage dealt is used to replenish your health, and you are immune to poison damage.
Alien Beast Fire Mode 1: Rapid claw slashes.
Alien Beast Fire Mode 2: Spit out streams of poisonous fluid in a spread formation.
Alien Beast Fire Mode 3: Fire a centered stream of electrical projectiles, requires a 2.5 second electrical energy cool down.
Alien Beast Fire Mode 4: Causes the surrounding area to erupt with electrical and poisonous effects, requires a 5 second electrical energy cool down.
Pressing the USE JETPACK Button while in Alien Beast Mode launches you high into the air for a mega leap.
You no longer toggle between horizontal and vertical mobile artillery settings when using the Inhuman Devastator by crouching and pressing the USE Button.
Changed the CANCEL DUAL WIELD Button to a WEAPON SPECIAL Button.
WEAPON SPECIAL Button lets you drop an M60 when dual wielding M60's.
WEAPON SPECIAL Button toggles between horizontal and vertical mobile artillery settings when using the Inhuman Devastator.
The single American Pig now has a small chance to gib enemies.
You now where a Heavy Nano Tech Suit when using the Inhuman Devastator which reduces damage slightly.
When firing mobile artillery shells with the Inhuman Devastator you get 3 seconds of invulnerability per volley.
Blackout effect removed when switching to or switching from the Inhuman Devastator and replaced with a cool on and off screen overlay effect.
You can no longer perform a Mighty Death Kick or stomp on corpses when using the Inhuman Devastator.
Cleaned up the edges of the Death Chem's hand sprite.
Added a custom hand sprite for the Minigun Special Weapon.
Repositioned the Long Strike targeting reticles that appear on enemies when using Aim Assist.
Add glow maps for all weapon view sprites.
Tried to make some of the muzzle flashes on weapons that flashed too quick more visible.
The Syphon Chamber's Black Hole projectile no longer reacts to the shade or lighting color of a sector.

Added new weapon view sprites for the Inhuman Devastator's 20mm cannons.
Danger Close surface impacts no longer cause the screen to flash red when the player is right next to them.
Toxic Goo projectiles fired by the Zsalinski Culverin's FIRE MODE 3 are now visible underwater.
Added custom hand sprites for Steroids Mode when interacting with map exit Nuke Buttons.

M202B Flash Launcher has 4 rounds of ammo and fires the same heavy hitting individual missiles that the LAW does but in rapid succession and with an added fire damage effect.
M202B Flash Launcher Fire Mode 1: Fire a single missile.
M202B Flash Launcher Fire Mode 2: Activate and deactivate scope mode.
M202B Flash Launcher Fire Mode 3: Drop the weapon.
When picking up a second American Pig your currently held weapon will not drop down off screen and raise back up unless you are currently using a single American Pig.
Added a new weapon sway and bob system to speed up the effect.
Added a few frames to the Desert Eagle FIRE MODE 1 animation.
The Heavy Mech's FIRE MODE 4 plasmatic orb projectile seeks out enemies much better.
Added tracer bullet effects to most primary, special, turret, and vehicle weapons that shoot bullets.
Fixed all issues regarding self damage from player fired projectiles.
Set the thrown Light Saber's damage radius and damage output to the same values as the Long Strike's railgun projectiles.
Dirty Harry 44 Magnum holds 6 rounds only and cannot be reloaded.
Dirty Harry 44 Magnum Fire Mode 1: Fires an extremely powerful bullet that passes through all enemies and pretty much kills anything it comes in contact with.
Added some angle rotation to weapon firing animations to make them look less stiff.
Added new sprites for the Syphon Chamber's Blackhole projectile.
Cleaned up some of the line details on the Four Horsemen weapon view sprites.

Devourer Sub-Bosses now correctly shoot spike projectiles from its claws.
Devourer Sub-Bosses now have a close range bite attack that deals heavy damage.
Reduced the duration of the red screen effect when hit by a Pig Sub-Boss's melee attack.
Lizardmen have a higher chance to poop when prepping for their spit attack and being spawned into a map.
Lizardman feces can only be stepped on if the player is standing up when moving over it.
Added more gorilla sound effects for the Gorilla Captain's pain, attack, and dying states.
The Gorilla Captain will now shoot a heavy shotgun blast when the player is in close range and mortars when the player is at long range.
Added a muzzle flash to the Gorilla Captain's firing animation sprites.
Added a muzzle flash to the Battlelord's mortar firing animation sprites.
Created better custom debris sprites for destroyed Security Drones.
Security Drones no longer explode when killed by non explosive weapons and instead leave behind a dead corpse that can be destroyed.
Sub-Bosses and Bosses no longer get pushed around when hit.
VO lines for enemies taunts now have distance restrictions on where you can hear them.
The Cycloid Emperor now calls on large electrified pylons at random to fall from the sky, mount themselves into the floor, and shock Duke when he get's too close.
Increased the chance that rocket launcher packs can be taken from Overlord Sentry corpses.
Reconfigured how actual Bosses have increased damage resistance to player weapons.
Added a crawling death animation for Commanders that sometimes occurs when they are gibbed.
Commanders are no longer swapped out with a Grayman when spawned via the console.
Pigcops now drop an Armor Shard pickup 10% of the time when they die that gives you 3 points of armor.
Heavy Pigcops now drop used Tactical Armor 20% of the time when they die that will give you either 25 or 38 points of armor.
Rocket Lizardmen now drop used Tactical Armor 20% of the time when they die that will give you either 25 or 38 points of armor.
Lizardmen now drop an Armor Shard pickup 10% of the time when they die that gives you 3 points of armor.
Liztroopers now drop an Armor Shard pickup 10% of the time when they die that gives you 1 point of armor.
Liztrooper Captains now drop an Armor Shard pickup 10% of the time when they die that gives you 1 point of armor.
Corpse Spider Pods will now be spawned at random hanging from ceilings covered in organic alien growth, getting to close or shooting these pods will cause them to burst.
Corpse Spiders come from exploding Corpse Spider Pods and will pounce on you when in close range, however they can be stepped on while walking or running towards them.
Added a frame effect to all enemies when Bullet Time is active.
Cleaned up the Cycloid Incinerator's AI so it doesn't get stuck behind a pillar trying to shoot you when it clearly can't see you.
Rebalanced enemy bullet projectile damage to act more like original game damage.
Added a slight delay to the Pigcop's melee animation.
Added a slight delay to the Pigbeast's biting animation.
Added a slight delay to the Rocket Lizardman's firing animation.
Rocket Lizardmen no longer fire multiple rockets in under a second.
Fat Commanders have a chance of spawning up to 10 random enemies when their AI initially kicks in.
Added new Rats that will attack you when you are shrunk and can be stepped on but do not count as an enemy.
Low rank enemies always get gibbed by railgun projectiles as they travel past them.
Enemies revived by a Grayman are no longer swapped out with one of their alternate variants.


New Armor Pickups
Armor pickups have been renamed to Tactical Armor and give 50 points of armor.
Tactical Armor in maps have a chance of being swapped out with E.D.F. Combat Armor and D.U.P.(Depleted Uranium Plate) Battle Armor.
E.D.F. Combat Armor pickups give you 75 points of armor and have a 25% chance of replacing Tactical Armor.
D.U.P.(Depleted Uranium Plate) Battle Armor pickups give you 100 points of armor and have a 12.5% chance of replacing Tactical Armor.

When all Babes are saved in a map a Savior Drone will spawn in near you on the next map and will follow you until you interact with it unlocking a powerful random Savior Bonus that lasts for the duration of the map.
Explosives Expert is a Savior Bonus that will make you invulnerable to explosion damage and give you explosive bullets.
Ammo Architect is a Savior Bonus that will give you full ammo and infinite ammo for every weapon you have.
Atomic Core is a Savior Bonus that will give you infinite Atomic Damage, an Atomic Damage powerup for the next map start, and all Atomic Health Pickups are replaced with Alien Beast Items.
Poison Infusion is a Savior Bonus that will make all of your weapons inflict poison damage, cause gibbed bodies to spray poison, and make you immune to poison damage.
Inferno King is a Savior Bonus that will make all of your weapons inflict fire damage, cause gibbed bodies to release fire, and make you immune to fire damage.
Life Leech is a Savior Bonus that will convert damage done to enemies into health for the player.
Killing Time is a Savior Bonus that will make Bullet Time permanently available after each use.
Heat Sink is a Savior Bonus that removes weapon cooldowns almost immediately and replaces Overclock Protocol items with Death Drones.
Increased the time that the screen goes red when Steroids wear off and added a proper shouting sound effect for the event.

Atomic Health/Damage pickups have a chance of being swapped out with Alien Beast pickups that turn the player into a powerful alien for 120 seconds.
The Almighty Lance can now be used indoors due to an upgrade in indoor portal tech.
Almighty Lance pickups can now be found indoors.
Railgun weapon pickups are now less common and railgun ammo pickups are more common.
Armor pickups now display how many points of armor they give you.
Death Drones no longer attack Liz Troops and LizTroop Captains that are playing dead.
Repositioned the Death Drone targeting reticles that appear on enemies when using the focused mode.
Reduced the chance that LAW special weapons are spawned near dead soldier corpses.
Sometimes dead soldiers will have an M202B Flash Launcher laying beside them instead of a LAW.
Danger Close Overkill pickups power up your Danger Close system by engaging dual over-the-shoulder Miniguns with 400 rounds that can be fired manually or automatically.
Airtanks and Heat Sensors not only get replaced with Death Drones or Almighty Lance pickups, but now also with Danger Close Overkill pickups.
Holoduke now targets and shoots laser projectiles at enemies on top of electrocuting them when they are too close.
Holoduke inventory amount drains faster when it attacks enemies.
American Pig weapon pickups now give you 100 rounds of ammo instead of 48.

Restored the Blue Keycard on E1L7 to allow access to the secret room where the Babe is located.

Added a Dirty Harry 44 Magnum Special Weapon pickup on E4L5.
Added hires textures and glow maps to the tape player on E4L1.
Fixed an unresponsive Meat Grinder weapon pickup on E3L4.
The EXIT sign on E4L5 has been fixed (breaking one side of the sign will show the other side of the sign backwards).
Corrected a red ceiling coloring mistake on E2L4 in the final room at the top of the tower where the reactor explodes.
A secret area on E3L3 that did not have any kind of pickup in it now has either an Alimighty Lance, a Death Drone, or a DC Overkill pickup.
Added Babes to the following maps because they did not have any:
E1L7-1 Babe
E2L1-1 Babe
E2L3-2 Babes
E2L6-2 Babes
E2L7-2 Babes
E2L10-2 Babes
E2L5-2 Babes
E3L7-3 Babes
E3L8-3 Babes
E3L11-2 Babes
E4L2-2 Babes
E4L3-2 Babes
E4L4-2 Babes
E4L5-1 Babe
E4L6-2 Babes
E4L8-2 Babes
E4L9-2 Babes
E4L11-2 Babes
E5L1-2 Babes
E5L5-1 Babe
E5L7-2 Babes
DC7-3 Babes
DC8-1 Babe
ZERO1-2 Babes
ZERO2-2 Babes
ZERO3-1 Babe
ZERO4-3 Babes
ZERO6-2 Babes

Updated Eduke32.
Added a whizzing by sound effects system for bullets when near the player.
Sometimes metal trash cans are replaced with garbage bags that may spawn health pickups if destroyed.
Replaced all remaining custom VOC sound files with WAV files for better sound quality and performance.
Added lots of effects and projectiles to the list of actors that are not affected by the colored lighting effects in rooms.
The screen fades from black each time you start a map.
You can no longer hear the sound of glass breaking or the sound of glass breaking being silenced at the start of a map.
Added a cool flare effect to the Nuclear Mushroom Cloud.
Fire on the ceiling drips tiny bits of fire.
Added more explosion effects to shrinker, growspark, railgun, new beast drone, Megabrain, and Almighty Lance projectile explosion effects.
Added smoke effects to burning barrels.
Added smoke effects to fire vases.
Sound effects for male civilians now have distance restrictions on where you can hear them.
Sink faucets are now destructible and interactable.
Hand dryers in restrooms are now interactable.
Paper towel dispensers are now interactable.
Toilet paper dispensers are now interactable.
American Flags on walls and sitting on floors are now interactable.
Desk and table lamps are now interactable.
Added destructible capabilities for more map objects.
Added detail maps to a lot of map textures and some 3D models.
Upscaled some missing Duke Burger prop sprites.
Blood splats and some flat gore decals now slant properly on sloped floors and ceilings without having to use 3D models.
Fixed a bug where green blood spray would sometimes make red blood splats on ceilings.
Fixed a bug where green gibs would sometimes make red blood effects when destroyed.
Added a frame effect to several projectile types when Bullet Time is active.
Added detail maps to generic gibs.
Added bloody detail maps to enemy specific gibs.
Intestines no longer lay flat on the floor when spawned underwater.
When fps drop below the set MINFPSPURGE value actors do not fade out but are immediately removed.
Big clouds of smoke are a little less transparent.
Smoke is now darker in color when spawned by explosions or fire.
Fewer gib types produce plumes of smoke when spawned.
Shards of the floor ripped up while on Steroids or using the Almighty Lance are now destructible after 5 seconds.
Bullet casings no longer float down to the floor in midair.
Reduced the chance that gib squishing sound effects play when walking on gibs.
Added some explosion impact effects for non-submergible water surfaces.

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lorenzopapanti - - 1 comments

Hi all, How can I install and play games and maps? thanks

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,631 comments

"I was born to rock the world." - Duke Nukem

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Turkaits - - 151 comments

"Nobody steals our chicks... And lives."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
PsyWarVeteran - - 2,112 comments

Megaton Edition is still the best release for me. Back when it was available, you got a lot of bang for your buck with single purchase. Using EDuke32 is recommended, those who are interested can also easily run HRP using it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
WelfzWolfaroo - - 7 comments

what do you think Duke feels about femboys

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Quad4 - - 20 comments


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Ultimate_Dukke - - 103 comments

That people who like them are gay, like Gianni.

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Guest - - 706,884 comments

is that a gun from terminator

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Guest - - 706,884 comments

I would like to see a mod for World Tour that will give the Cycloid Incinerator his own set of sprites instead of using the Cycloid Emperor’s sprites.

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jeff1989 - - 55 comments

I'd like to see a full length high quality mod where you play as a enforcer. Think of the Half Life mod Point of View.

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XX1992 - - 109 comments

I like that idea!

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jeff1989 - - 55 comments


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