The best game of it's time, Doom, appears on a different engine, highly
modified and enhanced, it has a lot to offer. In the world of Hellduke,
explore hell, explore phobos, explore the past...
Not having a complete story yet (Considering releasing it when the
first version may finally be released) though many new things as to
show what to come. The highlights are;

* New enemies with different behaviour and look.
* New weapons such as the grand favorite, Super Shotgun, Semi-Automatic
Anti personel rifle, Plasma Rifle-Railgun-Photon Blaster$ , Electro
Staff, Neutralizer$ and much more.
* New high quality music (in ogg format), new sounds.
* New map effects such as Doom style key doors (With 12 keys
supported)-, wall/ceiling/floor panning, enemies dropping items, enemy
combinations to unlock doors and more!
* New maps. (Obviously)

$ In the final release
- Only 6 in the beta here.

Currently looking for team mates to help the project. Needed positions :
-Art File Management (Adding textures to ART files)
-Photoshop Artist for Logo, Some other Information Screens (I guess 3) and one credit screen.

*To join, simply PM me at ModDB for further information.

Final Note : The release in here is very old beta, and has pretty much only % 40 of the features of the new release, still good to give you clues.

~ Enjoy! Feedbacks!

Screenshots :

Links for download :

Link to gameplay video : (Again, the old one, I will record a new one when I feel like I have enough to show)

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Latest changes


January 31 :

- Recoded Revenant + Lizman. Revenant now shoots homing missle. (Still working on that, seems buggy)
- Remade E1M1.
- Added a new enemy, Zombie Enlistee.
- Coded a new effect to simulate the door close/open sounds of doom.
- Reworked the code of Cyber Bulls, Imp Lords and Bulls; they don't have a bug with their melee attack now. (It can reduce health even if you are far far away, for only a second)
- Added a few new textures.

February 1-2 :

Whew, good things take time :p Considering I wasn't working much at Feb 1 because of RL issues, now I can put some good stuff in.

- Detailed E1M1 (Yeah, I keep changing maps)
- Started coding Neutralizer! (Yeee, only part I need to figure out is how to make it "neutralize" :o )
- Done further mapping on E1M5.
- Added 3 more keys; Green, White and Orange skull keys.
- Yellow skull images have been replaced with a better yellow-ish image.
- Started coding the power-up system. (Hopefully, it will turn out well)

* Possibe power-ups for the v1.0 release :

- Doom-Mode (double damage, new hud image)
- Regeneration (duh)
- Rage (Faster attacks)

February 3 :

- Added more sectors/sections to E1M1
- Coded "neutralization" of enemies, it is all up to the weapon's animations now.
- Fixed a small bug with shield's size.
- Fixed a bug with backpack.
- Fixed a MAJOR bug with new lock system. Now it functions perfectly.
- Added an extra functionality to SMARTACTIVATOR, panning walls downwards/upwards.

February 4 :

- Finished coding Neutralizer, expect a screenshot soon.
- Done some more mapping at E1M5.
- Changed the code of Lost Souls, now they teleport you on a fixed distance instead of random.
- Planning to add 2 monsters in, which should be on the features list (I think not, so I'll go add them)

February 5-6-7 :

-Added Bloodseeker, Hell Hunter, Ion Imps and Heavy weapon troopers.
-Loaded a MASSIVE texture pack containing 1507 wall textures and 554 floor textures.
-Added some weakness/strength to monsters versus specific weapons.
-I have yet to code the power-up system.
-I'll code some new switches in.

February 8-14
-Added a new monster, Lurker.
-Recoded Rocket Launcher's alternate fire for better functionality.
-Recoded Super Shotgun, now it has a % 50 chance to do reload from the right hand as well as left.
-Increased the power of chaingun and SAAPR a bit, decreased the power of Super Shotgun; however added more speed.
-Remade the spread of shotgun, it is completely (not % 100, but more like % 90) horizontal just as in Doom.
-Added some new musics.
-Edited Pain Elemental and Lost Soul code a little to fix little bugs.
-Fixed a bug with Super Shotgun that made it reload even though there had no ammo left.
-Now whenever you find a secret, it will play a small sound to indicate it.
-Invulnerability works smoothly, and plays a "running out" sound, also plays a sound when you get hit.
-Time Control slows down the time; also giving you an ability of transparency, which makes any projectile and bullet go through you, but beware, you can still get damaged from radius explosion, hazardous material etc.
-I'll replace the Holoduke, but I have no ideas for it yet.
-Whenever you cheat to get all weapons, you now also get the Super Shotgun and SAAPR with you.
-A bug with Backpack has been fixed which allowed you to get ammo over the maximum limit.
-Replaced the sound of switches with the doom one. The custom switches also have the power to use the sound they have been given themselves via extra.
-Lowered the value of strengths of some enemies, and increased some. Removed some ammo on maps and added some treasure.

-I have YET to code the power-up system... been very busy with real life stuff.
June 2 :

Woah, it's been a long time since I last posted news... Sorry for that guys, but my real life stuff are getting on my way. In a few weeks, I'll be set free and keep working on this full-days. As a side note, the new website to check has been moved to Check it out!

What I've done so far...

-Totally changed the way the lost sousl work as well as pain elemental. Pain elementals now need to rest a bit after they have spawned 4 souls, there is also a MAX amount of lost souls they can spawn, just as in doom.
-Removed some bugs with music/sound changes during the game.
-Double Damage powerup has been added and works smoothly.

That's all.

A list of Features both Planned and already in

A list of Features both Planned and already in


In here, I'll put the things the mod includes, mainly being highlights. (There maybe some little stuff I forgot.)

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Full Version 5 comments

Duke on Hell is a DOOM based TC which allows many features to player such as environment changes, new art, new levels, new music and many more. (such...

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DaVince21 - - 30 comments

How do I run this? The game just quits with an unspecified error in compiling the CON file.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Lunick - - 244 comments Try using this to fic the game.

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Serathis - - 469 comments

I this thing dead? :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Valherran - - 2,457 comments

Nope, just got updated!

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XTHX2 Creator
XTHX2 - - 16 comments

I'm sorry but this update is not legit, I have no idea who uploaded that, even. Please do not download it or try to run it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Valherran - - 2,457 comments

Someone named "TheUnbeholden". He has apparently uploaded a massive storm of random Duke Nukem MODs into the MODDB database this past month or so.

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XTHX2 Creator
XTHX2 - - 16 comments

Might just as well be a mirror of it, I'm not really sure. I do not have the time to check it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
BMSsoldier - - 1 comments

Is this mod still being worked on? cuz it looks reall promising you know.

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Valherran - - 2,457 comments

Anyhting new on this? o.0

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XTHX2 Creator
XTHX2 - - 16 comments

Yes I'm still working on it. I was supposed to record a trailer for this... argh.

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Valherran - - 2,457 comments

Good to hear! I was wondering why there hasn't been any updates... ^^

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