This mod intends to add various weapons from all around the globe to Misery mod, weapons of every stalker's dream. Suggestions, Feedbacks and points of view are very welcomed ! Have fun with these new toys !


MANDATORY: - Install over a clean ANOMALY 1.5.1 + TAZ 3.0 BETA - USE OF HUD FOV TO 0.76

TAZ 3.0 Beta patch 2 10 mk1
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 79)
Soviet_KGB - - 145 comments

love to see you are still there buddy, thanks for the update!!

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mp5lng Author
mp5lng - - 7,996 comments

Cheers, I'm just helping Stalker-44 here and there :D

Reply Good karma+9 votes
Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

he helps me uploading the goods because my internet is a joke lmao

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Mask961 - - 163 comments

Ar-18 still needs parts :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

adressed, fixed for the next patch

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Mask961 - - 163 comments

Awesome you’re the best <3

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Bellorage - - 33 comments

Hey i think theres an issue with the ability to be stealthy? it just seems like everyone who is looking in your direction instantly aggros even if you're sneaking and only been in view for a second, i also feel like i could get a lot closer before they'd aggro before as well, the only other addon i have is the mutant bleeding one so i dont think thats doing anything, might be worth having a little look at :)

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Bellorage - - 33 comments

going to add, it could've been a one off the game being funky but im not sure, doing another stealth attack on more soldiers after turned out slightly better but they were all facing away from me completely unlike the last time where i was trying to quick peak and take one of their heads off :P

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

that is Anomaly issue, not ours dude

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,898 comments

The Sks don't put the iron sights in correct position, zoom it the left side, can't use the iron sights

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

fixed for the new patch

Reply Good karma+2 votes
AnthonySmoke - - 13 comments


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load
[error]File : ..\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
[error]Line : 120
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'dynamics\weapons\wpn_dp28\wpn_dp28.ogf'.

stack trace:

Clean Anomaly with TAZ 3.0 with patch 2.1 MK1 + dx10/11 fix. Installation order:
anomaly ->taz 3.0 -> patch 2.1 mk1 -> dx10/11 fix.
Installation order:
anomaly ->taz 3.0 ->taz 3.0 patches for anomaly 1.5.1 -> patch 2.09 -> patch 2.1 mk1 -> dx10/11 fix.

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AnthonySmoke - - 13 comments

I have random crashes with that error above. Now after ~45 mins of playing it happend again, I just enter rostok and when I go closer to the duty base game crashed.
Another crash - I tried to enter wild territory from rostok. I think there is a stalker with bugged weapon and my game crashes when I try get closer to him.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

i will upload a hotfix for that

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,898 comments

TOZ-34 model doesn't show up for some reason, the ui icon works fine but when I equip it no model appears and I can neither reload nor fire the invisible gun

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

probably you stumbled with a placeholder gun, right now, loadouts of NPCS are not customised to include TAZ weaponry only, and this type of errors can happen.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view.

AnthonySmoke - - 13 comments

Another crash - now in Red Forest, the same fatal error. Now wild territory and red forest are bugged in my gameplay.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

hotfix on the way

Reply Good karma+2 votes
AnthonySmoke - - 13 comments

thanks a lot. I am grateful that you are still operating with TAZ :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tamim_Uchiha - - 7 comments

too many ui files how to install them there is no guide with the GUI

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Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Great Job on fixing the 3rd scopes, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix the skinning mutant parts crash also the crash when attaching the grenade launcher on a weapon.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

grenade launchers have no anim, thus, they crash. the mutant skinning crash was adressed a long time ago, and happens only when ppl install the patch over their gamedata and doesnt follow the built-in instructions

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Thanks for the reply, but now I have a different question, while the 3d scopes seem a lot better than before they don't look exactly as they used to for me in the old testing videos and such compared to what I see. Would just like clarification on if the scopes are still needing work or have I messed something up while installing the mod. Comparison pics provided below

My scope:
Scope I found on a youtube showcase:
Youtube link for the showcase:
Time stamp is 19:10

Any help or reply with this would be appreciated keep up the great work.

Edit: After watching more of the showcase I have linked and comparing it to my scopes, it seems my scopes are broken compared to what they should look like, compared to the video linked and older taz showcases. I would really appreciate a reply to this problem as it does ruin my taz experience a bit since the problem makes it harder to actually use the scopes as intended. A reply helping me with this problem would be appreciated.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

your scopes are bugged because you are not using FOV 0.73

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Thanks for the reply, but I can assure you my fov settings are exactly as the moddb page describes what it needs to be, Fov 75 and hud_fov 0.73, I've made sure multiple times that the fov settings are exactly as the mod page describes them to be at and have reinstalled taz many many times to try and resolve this issue but I have yet to come to a solution I assume something else is causing this issue. Hope to hear a reply back. thanks for your patience any help that your trying to give me I appreciate it.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

hmmm, you have an odd issue. maybe your resolution? there is some trouble with wide monitors and some resolutions so far i know, but needs proper testing i cant do because... i dont own a monitor like that.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Thanks for the reply, My resolution is 1920x1080 and my monitor is actually a laptop since that's what I'm playing on its a 15.6 inch screen at 1080p at 144hz 3ms. So maybe the mod doesn't work properly on laptop screens ? Or could it be another issue ? Take as much time as you need to try and figure it out if you wish to do so any help given is appreciated keep up the good work.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

did you installed the new accumulative patch in a clean order, right? anomaly 1.5.1, then beta file 2.08 and patch 2.10 mk1? im not sure what is the error there,but since scope positions are controlled by weapon .ltx files, it may be an error or issue involving that. old weapon .ltx or foreign patches may be ruining the thing

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Thanks for the reply, I did a new fresh reinstall of taz exactly as you described here and made sure the fov and hud fov are 0.73 and 75 as the mod page says so, but I am still not sure if the scopes have been fixed so I feel its best if I just show comparison pics with the scopes on different guns.

M4A1 Scopes:
HK16 Scopes:
ScarH Scopes:
Daniel Defense Scopes:

Any help is appreciated

Edit you mentioned something about the .ltx files controlling the scope positions if that's the case you could just let me know what value I would need to change for the scopes to work properly and what files I would need to edit.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

i cant explain this odd behavior, but the values controlling scopes are aim_hud_offset_pos and aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9, the only way i can explain this error is the resolution, but that shouldnt be an issue because either "normal" (4:3) and 16x9 have the same values

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Thanks for the reply I've already found the aim_hud_offset_pos in the ltx weapons files, but if it isn't too much to ask could you maybe tell me what value I would need to set it too to fix it

Here is an example of what I see
M4A1: aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.07421,0.0129,-0.1
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.07421,0.0129,-0.1
Scar: aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.07315,0.0008,-0.085
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.07315,0.0008,-0.085

Any help with this would be great.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

as some other stalker in the page, u must have 4:3 resolution, and that is what iss causing trouble in scope positions. will be adressed soon, dont worry anymore about that

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Sam_0256 - - 10 comments

Oh well thanks for the reply good to know it wasn't something wrong with my display or something else on my end, glad to see it will be addressed soon thanks for the help and keep up the good work.

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|SD| - - 14 comments

This problem has nothing to do with 4:3 resolution. He has a 1920x1080 and that is a 16:9 resolution. Bringing this up, because I have the same issue on a single 16:9 monitor, making these scopes unusable :)

The problem exists, because of the aimpoint being too close to the scope with a huge hud_fov. By changing the aimpoint further away and changing hud_fov of the scope (by using a dynamic hud fov changing script thanks to Sneaky on Anomaly discord), I was able to fix the scopes for personal use, until a better solution is found by the team :)

Comparison of the scopes:

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gsg_anon - - 3 comments

The SIG 550 is too far forward with 0.73 hud fov. Additionally, all of its attached scopes and sights are inaccurate.
The Galil, Galil Custom and Galil Modern are also too far forward. The Galil Custom and Galil Modern also don't have a proper aim-down-sights camera, the camera zooms to the left instead.
Same for the SKS and SKS Modern but it looks like someone already reported that.
Thank you for your work.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

what exacly do you mean with "zoom to one side?" i fixed sks because it had a bad .ltx path, but GALILs appear to be ok for me, im not sure what do you mean.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
gsg_anon - - 3 comments

Sorry for the late reply.
I just tested this again, with a 4:3 resolution, all the issues I described happen (I don't know how to attach a picture to explain better, but if you switch to a 4:3 resolution you should see them too).
But when I switch to 16:9, they are OK, as you confirmed. No camera/aiming issues with the GALIL or the SKS.

Is 4:3 not officially supported? It should be noted in the mod if so. I find it specially odd because all other weapons work fine, except for those I mentioned previously.

>what exacly do you mean with "zoom to one side?" i fixed sks because it had a bad .ltx path, but GALILs appear to be ok for me, im not sure what do you mean.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

yeah, just as i tought. Thanks for the bugtracking, it will be adressed as soon as possible, comrade.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
zoot_allures - - 72 comments

After adding this and the newer hotfix I get this error when trying to load my game.


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 544
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_knife_commando'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

So I started a new game and it works well so far. It seems the knifes added from the 'refine' patch were the issue as those are no longer in it.
Also I don't know if it's on purpose but it seems there is now no longer the 44mag or 50bmg ammo or 9x21mm ammo in the game.

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

9x21 Gyurza is still there, 44mag never was added in TAZ but in Refine Project. i think u missed that shot

Reply Good karma+2 votes
zoot_allures - - 72 comments

Thank you. I haven't seen the 9x21 (or the sr1m vektor) appear in any inventories yet but maybe it will soon.

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marked_one86 - - 53 comments

hello. loving the mod so far, but would like to add one suggestion. Could you make it so whenever we have the hud at 0.73 for this mod it would not change the the pda distance to the player. Having the the hud at 0.73 makes it impossible to see the pda properly without a magnifying glass lol. I dont know how it would be done properly but maybe scale it up for the fov since everything else is at that fov. Thanks for the reply in advance

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

yeah, some funny boi in the team had the brilliant idea to move HUD FOV. either i move PDA or i move every gun, but this issue surely will be fixed on the meantime

Reply Good karma+1 vote
marked_one86 - - 53 comments

Alright sweet. Hey thanks for the reply and I have two last questions. Does this mod in anyway effect the nightime brightness by chance cause with this mod it seems that the nights are brighter than usual even with the night brightness turned to dark nights. I know this is a gun pack but with the small other changes it does I didn't know if that might have been one by chance. And last one, would you have any idea why i am getting a random sound bug. i cant replicate it if i try but it will happen every now and again but it sounds like a mag change reload for one of the ak's but just the mag, no charging handle. i have soundscape overhaul installed on top of this mod so i dont know if that is the problem or if this issue is a known one by chance but any help would be appreciated. Thanks again

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

yes, Armed Zone uses its own shaders, legacy of MP5Ing, and yes, some stalker already reported the sound. This happens when oggs have missing entries in comments, and thus they are too "loud".

Reply Good karma+1 vote
marked_one86 - - 53 comments

hey i just wanted to add one more thing since i have been playing the **** out of this mod. PLEASE do not change the 3d scopes, i love having the scopes like they are in this mod pack. I dont know if you were planning on changing them to PIP scopes but please dont. i used the pip scopes in other mod packs and none were able to give vanilla performance with those style of scopes like your mod does. Just thought id let you know how much i like the way the scopes are in this mod and hope they are not changing.

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3rdstreetsaintss - - 14 comments

hey bro, a question, it is possible that the granade launchers don't attach to guns? I can't make it work, thanks for your work men

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Stalker-44 Creator
Stalker-44 - - 252 comments

We dont have proper anims for grenade launchers, that is why they are disabled for good rn until we can manage to find something suitable

Reply Good karma+1 vote
viking896 - - 248 comments

the s3 rm vikhr has some bugs, please fix it. ;) and can you make some scopes like aug etc a little bit clearer and bigger please;)

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